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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Actiu awards the best proposals for Design and Interior Design

Actiu awards the best proposals for Design and Interior Design

FEBRUARY 2013 | 2 minutes

Actiu awards the best proposals for product design and Interior Design following the conference “For a better more sustainable future”.

On Thursday 7th February the award ceremony for product design and interior design took place at Actiu facilities in Castalla resulting from a competition organized by Actiu with the participation of two of the most important schools of our area: EPSA, the Valencia Polytechnic University, Alcoy campus and EASDA, Art and Superior Design School in Alcoy.

After the conference about sustainable design which took place last May, Actiu proposed the ideas suggested during this meeting to be turn into reality. This encounter brought together hundreds of students and professionals, amongst these the following speakers could be found: José Mª Tomás Llavador, an international well-known architect, Marcelo Alegre from the design studio Alegreindustrial and Pepe Cosin from Cosin&Cosin, a valencian interior designer with a long career.

The competition “for a more sustainable future” aimed to spread the design culture by awarding the most innovative ideas which the design and interior design students from EPSA and EASDA schools proposed. The two raised issues were based on the design of a range of seats “Soft Seating” to give support to a variety of activities within the same space: rest room, informal work, brainstorming sessions, private or more relaxed conversation, etc... And the design of “Actiu Points”: design of Actiu product exhibition spaces via elements which transmit the values of the brand, identifying the Actiu point by an own distinctiveness capable of being adapted to different spaces.

The members of the jury, Marcelo Alegre, Pepe Cosin and those responsible for Actiu Communication, marketing and design, highlighted the projects by: its innovative designs, considering its wide range, the graphic representations and the transmission of Actiu values. The winners are:

The winners are:
Award for Product Design “SOFT SEATING:
        1. Var. Francisco Calabuig
        2. Norman. Javier Pedro Ferrer and Victoria Soto Santos.

Award for Interior Design of “ACTIU SPACE:
        1. Geometric surround. Marisa Vilaplana Silvestre

        1. Cuc. Gabino Ponce Pérez
        2. Add. Francesc Lluc Sempere José
        3. Ubicuo. Adrià Cano López

Actiu Mention:
        1. Actívate. Mª Dolores Ferrero Silvestre and Alba Gómez Fernández

During the presentation of the diplomas and recognitions to the finalists and winners, Vicente Berbegal, president and founder of Actiu group said “that the ideas and creativity is a value to be enhanced in our society. From an idea that might appear absurd at the beginning, emerge great products and even business projects.” He finished his presentation encouraging the participants not to give up their imagination and creativity, whilst at the same time he said that he was sure that interesting concepts could be developed from the presented projects.