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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Actiu hosts a meeting between a hundred entrepreneurs and president of the Valencian government

Actiu hosts a meeting between a hundred entrepreneurs and president of the Valencian government

NOVEMBER 2015 | 3 minutes

The president of the Valencian government, Ximo Puig, presided over a productive forum, held at the premises of the Actiu Technology Park under the title 'What do the industries and the companies of the Castalla require to ensure their growth, projection and social well being? ' and in which more than a hundred entrepreneurs participated. Puig was also accompanied by the Minister of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Employment, Rafael Climent and the General Director of Industry and Energy, Julia Company.

The Valencian authorities carried out a visit of the facilities at Actiu, which included a trip to see one of the four productive plants, the logistics centre, and the corporate building. The minister Climent stressed that "this is a paradigm of what a sustainable and responsible production company should be like. The new Consell made a commitment to create a new production model in which renewable and consumption energy have special role. In this sense, Vicente Berbegal, president and founder of Actiu and responsible for conducting the opening ceremony has called "the Valencian administration is committed to the territory, to your territory, like all of us".

This territory stands out for the surprising industrial restructuring that has been carried out on its main productive centres, following the toy crisis. The entrepreneurs from the Foia of Castalla have changed, innovated, diversified and, in the midst of adversity, created the strongest metal-mechanical-plastic in the south pole of Europe. Here the true character of the employer is reflected in the area, who decided at that time to commit to its territory and the people who lived there, instead of moving production to other countries. Family businesses, in the majority, where all members struggle to bring forward an industrial project.

Globalisation has demanded a professionalization from businesses and industry. The departments of companies should be formed of trained and qualified professionals that are involved in the project and, in turn, the employer should encourage all changes that are necessary, furthermore favouring, incorporation into the business structure of the new generations capable of meeting the challenges of the future.

Nevertheless, as stressed by Vicente Berbegal, "Throughout this process, throughout this journey, we need the cooperation of the government, participating via corporate initiatives that arise from people like those present here today, born entrepreneurs and workers".

Soledad Gutierrez, president of IBIAE (the association which brings together the fabric companies from the Foia) was in charge of explaining to the President, the Minister and the General Director, what the most significant shortcomings of the region are, placing "the deficit of electricity infrastructures" as the main problem, both for existing businesses, and for those that wish to set up in the area.

Other issues raised during the meeting were the use of renewable energy, the boost of professional training which meets the needs of companies, a better allocation of the industrial areas in terms of fibre optics, gas or water, communication and access to the railway station in Villena, and to have the support of the Government to promote innovative projects, business financing and development.

The Minister of Sustainable Economy, Rafael Climent, agreed to grant a  licence for the construction of an electrical substation within maximum fifteen days. He also underlined his commitment to renewable energy and consumption, indicating that he is working on a Valencian Energy Plan. Furthermore, he also indicated that he is going to develop a law that demands the necessary services required in industrial estates with all the guarantees. And with respect to entrepreneurs, he expressed his desire to make, from the administration department, an accompaniment to monitor the whole process.

The president, Ximo Puig showed his interest in "being at the side of the productive sectors from the Valencian Community, less bureaucratic administration and co-managing together with the industrial policies" to plan coherently, growth, consolidation and  the development of efficient territory.