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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
The Importance of Using the Right Furniture in the Home Office to Prevent Muscle Pain

The Importance of Using the Right Furniture in the Home Office to Prevent Muscle Pain

OCTOBER 2020 | 3 minutes

Using unsuitable and cobbled together furniture to furnish home workspaces has caused musculoskeletal disorders affecting the health of 6 out of 10 remote workers, according to the results obtained in a study conducted by Actiu with the participation of around 400 professionals with a wide range of profiles.

In the survey, 46% stated that they had an improvised and temporary workspace, using furniture that they had found in their homes, while 33% stated that they have a small workspace with basic work furniture, whereas only 17% have a permanent, comfortable and ergonomically furnished space.

Nevertheless, almost all of the respondents, 86%, believe that furniture should be a key element when it comes to remote working. When assessing the main features that the home office should have, the respondents highlighted comfort and functionality as the primary ones, mentioning versatility and aesthetics as other less relevant aspects.

It has been proven that remote working in unsuitable conditions can lead to certain musculoskeletal disorders, visual and mental fatigue, tingling sensation in the arms and legs as well as headaches, among other issues. 

According to the Head of Innovation at the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia, Rosa Porcar, "this study conducted by Actiu shows that, despite good intentions, there have been many musculoskeletal disorders affecting health that have been brought about by working at home due to not being sufficiently prepared for it, which has been acknowledged by the respondents: around half said that they had an improvised workspace with furniture they already had at home."

These results reveal the importance of using office chairs and desks that are suitable for each function, whether in the office or in our own home. A need that has become even more important now that remote working has been regulated in the Spanish Royal Decree/Law on Remote Working, which means that it is here to stay.

In fact, 68% of those surveyed have opted to work remotely part-time, as opposed to 12% who prefer to work from home full-time and another 18% who have chosen to work in the office full-time.

In view of this new reality, there is a clear need to envision the Home Office as something that's going to be around long-term and, therefore, to furnish it with furniture that safeguards the health of workers. Everyone should play their part in this: employees with regard to their own health, companies with regard to the well-being of their workers, and society in general because this is the only way to guarantee an efficient and productive employment sector.

What is certain is that an increasing number of people are becoming aware of this need, as shown by the fact that seven out of ten people surveyed by Actiu believe that they work much more efficiently when they are in an environment that has the right furniture for them to do their job.

Office chairs such as the Efit, Trim, Stay or TNK Flex are perfect for home offices as they perfectly combine comfort and ergonomics with versatile aesthetics, in addition to being capable of adapting to all styles of décor. Just like the Talent and Mobility tables, which are height-adjustable to better adapt to each user's physical characteristics while guaranteeing the right seating position to prevent those dreaded and recurring musculoskeletal issues that can negatively affect our health.

Many workers will be working remotely for a few days a week, but neither they, nor companies, nor society can afford for them to do so in an inadequate environment when it comes to ensuring their well-being, safety, efficiency and productivity. For this reason, choosing the right furniture for the Home Office is of the utmost importance.