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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
It is time to get back into a routine, and now more than ever, to get down to work. Because, when you realise that everything is upside down, there is only one thing to do: turn things around.


  • 01. New workspace Guide
  • 02. Home Office Guide
  • 03. Furniture: Protective Panels
  • 04. We want to be closer than ever before
At ACTIU we like to do our bit in achieving things through several actions. We have published guides on how to adapt spaces to the new health and safety requirements, we have launched new furniture and inspired professional spaces within the home.
We have called it ACTIU Commitment, which is our initiative to turn this situation around.

01. New workspace Guide

All of our know-how to guarantee safety, hygiene and social distancing in offices, now more than ever, and to ensure the well-being of workers as always.
Communal areas are already designed for multi-functional usage which now needs to be adapted to new safety requirements.
The current situation is giving us a glimpse of change in schools, allowing us to put forward new concepts and new spaces where the current needs can be accommodated.

02. In the office or at home, but always ergonomically

The new normal may lead to combining work at the office with remote working: in order for this new way of working to be productive and, above all, comfortable, it is of the utmost importance to meticulously plan what the home office, the professional space at home, will be like.

03. Furniture: Protective Panels

Health is well-being and at ACTIU we are convinced that furniture can become an ally to safeguarding it. For this reason, we have designed and manufactured protective panels to separate work stations. It is a sturdy yet versatile solution that is easy-to-assemble and clean, which enables us to meet up with colleagues in the different spaces.

04. We want to be closer than ever before

During the last few months in which social distancing measures have been in place, we have come to realise just how close we want to get to our customers. For that reason, we are going ahead with our planned pre-pandemic schedule: the recent inauguration of our Paris Showroom along the Seine, the expansion of the Actiu 7 manufacturing plant and the implementation of SAP´s ERP to improve our global level of service.
We are convinced that together we will be able to turn things around.
Queremos estar más cerca que nunca