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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
10 tips to turn a workspace into a Home Office Pro

10 tips to turn a workspace into a Home Office Pro

JANUARY 2021 | 4 minutes

The events of last year established, in some cases, and consolidated, in others, remote work for millions of people around the world. During the first months, the uncertainty of events led many to improvise a workspace at home with the furniture that was closest to hand. But the passage of time has shown that remote work is a useful and efficient complement to time spent in the office.

As remote working is already commonplace, it is crucial to ensure the mental, physical and emotional well-being of each person who performs their work at home. Just any table and chair is no longer sufficient. A functional table and an ergonomic chair are not just elements of the room, but high-performance professional work tools that assist and take care of their users.

A professional job requires professional furniture. The contributions of Jana Fernández, expert in physical, mental and emotional well-being strategies, and Carla Juliá, head of interior design projects at Actiu, have been translated into the “Guide to turn your workspace into a Home Office Pro” into these ten tips to achieve it.


1. Remote working is not the same as working from home

Remote working implies rethinking the space, having a specific workplace within the family environment and equipment that meets work needs. Time and task management are flexible, and project focused. It is not the same as using a multipurpose space in the home, equipped with domestic furniture during the hours determined by the company.

2. Order and light

Choice of space is crucial, as is having natural light and a storage cabinet that allows the room to be cleared from visual distractions. A good bay window and white artificial light are the ideal options for eyesight and working performance.

3. Decor

The selection of materials, textures and colour tones will influence the sensations that each one can expects and prefers in their workplace, be it harmony or seriousness, for example. You can add a little oasis of peace and relaxation by adding a comfortable chair for reading documents.

4. Health

All the elements that make up a Home Office Pro must ensure the user's health, without toxic chemical compounds, such as formaldehydes - a substance that Actiu has long removed from all melamine in its product range.

5. Sustainability

Every purchase decision influences the environment. As far as possible, workspaces should use recyclable materials and avoid plastics, in addition to ensuring that the materials used are disposed of correctly. Turning off unused devices and using LED lighting is a good idea to take care of the planet.

6. Ergonomics

The use of inappropriate furniture to work from home has caused musculoskeletal discomfort that affects the health of 6 out of 10 teleworkers, according to a study of 400 people carried out by Actiu. That is why it is crucial that the work furniture complies with European ergonomics standard UNE-EN 1335 in operative chairs, and UNE-EN 527 in office tables, to guarantee comfort and correct posture throughout the day.

7. Efficiency

Maintaining the required level of attention is essential, as well as having a harmonious space, without elements that generate distractions, to promote concentration, efficiency and creativity.

8. Planning

Plan, order projects and prioritise tasks from most to least urgent and important. Having organised projects, objectives, tasks and appointments - virtual, telephone or face-to-face - as well as assigning time slots to each task and sticking to them will result in greater clarity and tranquillity.

9. Trends

The “Guide to turning your workspace into a Home Office Pro” also includes trends in equipping a professional workspace at home. The Natural and Mediterranean styles will be favoured by those who opt for warmer sensations while the Nordic and Industrial trends promote a more minimalist and sober aesthetic.

10. Live well

Life outside of work affects professional work and results. It is imperative to acquire healthy habits at all levels. From a physical point of view, eating healthy, taking daily exercise and resting are essential. On a mental level, however, there are other factors that must be managed such as stress and feelings that we must enhance such as gratitude, enthusiasm and kindness with oneself. In short - values ​​to live well.

Download Ebook: Guide to turn your workspace into a Home Office Pro
In this ebook you will find tools and resources to be able to maintain physical well-being through the workplace, mental well-being through work time, and emotional well-being through work relationships.
Download Ebook: Guide to turn your workspace into a Home Office Pro