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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.

"Km 0": Act locally, think globally

JULY 2021 | 3 minutes

The term "km 0", devised by the Slow Food movement as a commitment to the consumption of local ingredients in view of the fast-food chains that have proliferated all over the world for years, is no longer considered a term that is exclusive to gastronomy. Design and manufacturing processes in sectors such as fashion, design or architecture are a clear example of the increasing presence of initiatives that are more sustainable, healthy, cost-effective, productive, socially accessible and strongly tied to the local identity.

Sustainability, energy efficiency, a reduced carbon footprint, waste reuse, maximum process optimisation, productive agility and great flexibility are some of the principles of this "km 0" philosophy. A commitment to the territory and local providers that is now enhanced due to the current situation -both economic and social- generated by COVID-19, and which defends local action conceived from a global approach.

Achieving the right balance between a highly connected and globalised world and the biodiversity offered by different identities and local cultures is fundamental, both for the balance of the planet and for the well-being of those who inhabit it. If it was globalisation that exploded into the global business world years ago, now it's the feeling of belonging and collaboration. A "positioning" that goes hand in hand with globalisation and turns companies into luxury ambassadors for their region in the rest of the world.

Transforming the region into an ally and an opportunity to develop a respectful and committed corporate social responsibility policy is already a priority for many companies and determines the type of relationship they have with their geographical location. Places that are no longer merely locations that can be more or less productive, and which increase their cultural and economic value by acquiring a brand identity often linked to that of the company.

Actiu knows a lot of about how design can be a differential and innovative value, not only for the company, but also for the region. A company that, since it was founded more than 50 years ago, has entrusted local or regional collaborators with its production processes, thus maintaining control over all its processes and applying its extensive knowledge in industrial tradition to new technologies. A commitment to the territory that has led it to build its Actiu Technology Park in Castalla, the town in Alicante where the brand was born in 1968, along with its founder, Vicente Berbegal.

Working with local partners, using locally sourced recycled materials from sustainable productions, reprocessing production losses to achieve 0% waste, generating clean energy, optimising processes, reusing rainwater or anticipating future legislation are some of the fundamental principles of Actiu. All of which is in addition to its ongoing local action with a global approach, which proves that it is in fact possible to maintain a balance between sustainability, the territory and internalisation.

This support for the local region and suppliers leads to the establishment of a trusted local network in an environment popularly known for its industrial tradition, and referred to as the "Toy Valley", whose extensive knowledge of processes and materials currently make it a multisectoral collaborative enclave at the forefront of innovation.

A commitment to staying local and an ethical and responsible philosophy, which are key factors for consumers when deciding whether or not to choose one company over another.