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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
“People/not prizes”, the personal stories which move the world

“People/not prizes”, the personal stories which move the world

MARCH 2016 | 3 minutes

a totally human focus, José Navarro, from Giosseppo, José León, from Embarcadero Technologies Spain, Raquel Alvarado, from Huerto Gourmet, y José Orts, from the garden and the hotel, ¨Huerto de Cura¨, spoke of their respective paths from an original but different point of view, offering the audience the chance to get to know who was behind these four brands. Under the title, People, not prizes, the great theatre in Elche hosted the first edition of this event which has already travelled internationally, until it came to this Spanish city, organized by Elena Hernandez and Fermin Tribaldos, with the support of Elche council.


Before a totally full room, four successful entrepreneurs told their personal stories, not so much about their awards, but their philosophy of life, their passions, their learning, what moved them to advance, who believed in them ... Actiu dressed this particular stage with two of its most important pieces: The Badminton, especially designed to let imagination fly, welcomed each guest and the two presenters. The award-winning Wing chair, accompanied the participants during the course of an interesting round table, as well as, in the round of questions from the audience.

When you start something at 50 years old, you have to succeed yes or yes”, said the founder of Gioseppo, José Navarro, who highlighted his key success : "the unity of my family, to take the project forward, even in the most difficult times, when you think it is going to end".

The entrepreneur Raquel Alvarado related how she suffered a serious accident which made her rethink many aspects of her life and give them a whirl. To fight for what she wanted, amongst other things, to implement the original Huerto Gourmet gastronomic company and to help people manage their emotions and fears, through business coaching.

José León, the director today of Embarcadero Technologies Spain, explained that “When I first came to the US, I had a little panic attack, but by giving my everything, I managed to get ahead". Leon also highlighted the importance of not losing your origins, "Remember where you came from at all times" as well as, the efforts made by his parents for helping him fulfill his dream.

José Orts, pointed out that the project Hotel Huerto del Cura began as a small campsite next to a vegetable patch, which, bit by bit, transformed itself into what amounts today as the garden of Huerto del Cura and complete tourist resort in Elche.

Amongst the interviews and the start of the round table, the organizers of the event, Elena Hernandez and Fermin Tribaldos, thanked the collaboration of Actiu while at the same time inviting Soledat Berbegal, Head of Communications and Corporate Strategy, to explain the family history and team behind Actiu. Berbegal chronicled the life path of the president and founder, Vicente Berbegal, who devoted himself to converting his teenage dream into reality. The second generation has already started joining the firm, which keeps his dream alive to continue growing and achieve excellence.