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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Coworking: successful shared work spaces

Coworking: successful shared work spaces

OCTOBER 2023 | 5 minutes

The concept of coworking refers to shared workspaces where professionals from different sectors and also brands use the same physical environment to develop and take their business projects to the next level. At the same time, this proximity can generate new creative ties and translate into joint collaborative projects.

Coworking: shared workspaces with concentration and privacy points for well-being and productivity.

Working from a comfortable home office, meeting remotely by videoconference with colleagues and clients may be the preferred option for some professionals. But sometimes it is beneficial for the project and for the mood to be able to go to an external workspace, equipped to meet the changing needs of the day-to-day and to share with others. These places have all the facilities needed for the working environment and even more informal settings that encourage socialising and personal connection.

What is coworking?

Coworking spaces are, above all, flexible spaces, designed and equipped to meet all the needs that may arise during a working day. Thus, they apply interior design standards to office spaces from a versatile perspective, capable of accommodating professionals from different disciplines, companies and sectors.

One of the things that most concern us in these shared spaces are points for concentration, calm and privacy, which are essential and which we can make up for with anti-noise solutions such as the Qyos booths, which insulate from the outside, both acoustically and thermally.

How does coworking work?

In the organisation of coworking spaces, there are various possibilities depending on the size of the space and the needs of the professionals or small companies that opt for this option.

For example, if you are a freelancer who wants to work in a professional environment, it is possible to 'rent' an individual workstation in a shared environment. In such cases, it is important that the coworking space is equipped with professional quality workstations with, for example, tables such as Mobility Air and Step and ergonomically designed chairs such as A+S Work.

In the case of projects involving two, three or more people, it is also possible to reserve a small group of seats, both on an ongoing basis and for occasional meetings if, for example, team members meet a couple of times a week. Here the furniture needs to be flexible and agile so that different options can be configured between team members.

In the case of larger shared workspaces, which can occupy an entire floor of a large building, it is possible to have one or two private rooms, and/or booths as complements. In addition, a differential point of the booths is that they can be customised. Either with the brand identity of the space, or if within the space there are groups of people who belong to a company, they can be customised according to their values to have their own identity and graphics within the coworking space.

Types de coworking

There are various types of coworking that suit different needs and preferences. Here is a description of some of the most common types:

  • General coworking spaces: These are usually flexible in terms of membership and offer a collaborative working environment.
  • Specialised coworking spaces: Specialised in catering to professionals in a specific sector, such as designers, programmers, writers or artists. These spaces may offer additional resources related to that particular field, such as photography studios, specialised equipment or laboratories.
  • Corporate coworking spaces: Many companies have adopted coworking as a way to allow their employees to work more flexibly or collaborate with outsiders.
  • Coworking in business centres: Some business centres offer coworking spaces as part of their services in important business areas.
  • Rural coworking: As remote working has become more common, the trend of rural coworking has emerged. They are located in rural areas or small towns and offer a quiet, natural environment in which to work. They are often combined with accommodation options for those who wish to escape the city for a while.

Moving a little outside the coworking category, there is also a proliferation of workcoffe, cafés in which to enjoy a drink or sandwich while holding a work meeting, writing a report or answering pending emails.

Advantages and disadvantages of shared spaces

When choosing to work in shared workspaces, it is essential to know what a coworking space is, but also what the advantages and disadvantages are compared to other facilities oriented towards professional work.

Advantages of coworking

  1. The costs of booking a workspace in a shared workspace are lower than renting an office.
  2. The costs and maintenance of the facilities are borne by the owner and not by the freelancer.
  3. They have professional equipment, from chairs and operating tables to, for example, a photocopier and scanner.
  4. They have meeting rooms that are generally lacking in the home office.
  5. It encourages socialising and, in the case of related disciplines among coworking users, synergies and shared projects can be generated.

Disadvantages of coworking

  1. When it comes to shared open spaces, the ambient noise level may be excessive. Acoustic solutions such as sound-absorbing panels and movable partitions are important.
  2. Privacy can be a problem when holding phone calls or virtual meetings. Qyos Booths promote calm and concentration and isolate you from the outside world.
  3. When the flow of users is changing and diverse, it can be difficult to adopt measures to optimise the use of facilities. This requires the implementation of smart working solutions.

When to use a coworking space?

It is advisable to opt for coworking if:

  • You are a sociable freelancer who prefers to get out of the home office and be in contact with other people.
  • If, as a freelancer, you find it difficult to concentrate at home or lack a professional team to work with.
  • You are a nomadic worker who requires a fixed point of work at certain times.
  • You collaborate in a project that needs to organise sporadic meetings and you prefer to meet in person.
  • If you have an incipient business project and you want to enjoy first class equipment without having to make a large financial outlay.
  • If you are part of a flexible working team that does not require a fixed workspace.

Coworking trends

The implementation of technologies and software for space management is a common denominator in coworking spaces of all kinds. The sensorisation of rooms, the recording of room use and artificial intelligence can be used to improve working conditions and optimise resources in order to adjust them to the needs of users and even anticipate them. Actiu's Gaia IOT platform is an example of this.

Mobile applications and social networks are other trends that are consolidating in the field of coworking, as well as the concept of workspitality, which goes beyond professional work and offers options for socialisation and connection between users of the same space.

Sustainability, biophilic design and connection with nature are other factors that are increasingly taken into account when defining a coworking space.

Examples of coworking

One project that falls within the shared workspace segment is the new flexible facilities of Utopicus on Paseo de la Habana in Madrid. A project that includes coffee points, meeting rooms and a disconnection area, among other spaces, and which contributes economic, social, cultural and environmental value to its surroundings.

Coworking Utopicus >