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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Smart solutions for efficient and safe workspaces

Smart solutions for efficient and safe workspaces

DECEMBER 2020 | 2 minutes

The conditions and characteristics of workspaces where a specific activity is carried out are decisive when it comes to the well-being and productivity of the team. Everything from the layout, the furniture chosen or the interior design itself; everything counts. Furthermore, the lighting, the level of humidity or the quality of the air, among other factors, such as those deemed important by the WELL v.2 Certification

In this regard, new smart tools make it possible to take advantage of the possibilities of technology to sensor spaces and furniture, in order to check appropriate environmental conditions, as well as the optimal and efficient use of the working environment as a whole.

Smart tools which Actiu has been working on ever since, in 2018, it launched the Actiu Next solution, in order to play its part in people´s well-being and the efficiency of workspaces. A prototype that has evolved into what is now the Gaia project, an IoT-based platform with sensors built into the furniture, enabling data to be collected on how it is being used along with the conditions of the surrounding environment. This pioneering technology, connected to the cloud, seeks to provide users with the best working environment and the knowledge required to manage it, while getting the highest level of performance from it.

It is precisely the current circumstances that require this ability to understand how a space is used as well as other aspects such as human density, capacity control, air quality and ventilation levels in the areas used for day-to-day work. At a time when health, safety and reducing the environmental impact of any activity are of the utmost importance, smart technologies have a great deal to contribute. Whether in conventional offices, in co-working spaces, in hotel communal areas or even in the home office.

Therefore, having access to information in real time is the key to being able to correct, take action and prevent. Ensuring that environments are safe and comfortable, in turn, leads to efficiency and productivity, while also having an effect on the team´s mood and peace of mind.

The breakthroughs in these innovative technologies has picked up speed in recent times. Rolling out agile methodologies and designing open and collaborative environments, as well as the eventual return to the offices in 2021, makes this type of smart solution even more necessary.

From here on out, the implementation of Smart protocols and technologies will be dependent on the efficient and, in particular, healthy use of workspaces in the coming year.