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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
How to start a successful coworking space?

How to start a successful coworking space?

AUGUST 2019 | 3 minutes

Renting a large space, giving it a lick of paint, sorting out Wi-Fi and installing chairs and tables is relatively simple. However, getting that space to work as a coworking space is not so easy.


Get to know the user before setting up a coworking space

Firstly, it is essential to know the potential user that the project is aimed at. What kind of professionals and entrepreneurs will be able to use this space? And be very aware of the labour, creative, social, training and emotional needs of those who are going to make use of that space.


Times change and so do the ways of working in all kinds of offices. In particular in offices where people from different companies, backgrounds, professions and ages come together to share the same space.


Setting up a coworking space has not always been the same

Much has happened since the first coworking space in history was set up in New York in 1999, at 42 West 24th. Today, workspaces can no longer be conceived solely as an area where operational posts are installed. Thus, the number of square metres cannot be calculated solely by taking into account the number of chairs and tables they can accommodate. It is necessary to think outside the box.

Butic - The new school

Creativity and the exchange of ideas does not come about spontaneously when everyone spends eight hours a day staring at a computer screen. Moments of rest and spaces and furniture to facilitate this are needed.

Butic - The new school

Essential spaces in a coworking space

Relaxation spaces that allow users to connect, hold informal meetings, have friendly chats over a coffee where they can even stand, which are complemented by an eating area and an area where a presentation can be given or training can be delivered, if necessary.

Butic - The new school

In the case of coworking, in addition, in areas where personal contact is constant, it may also be necessary to have an area that favours concentration and privacy, at specific times.


Concentration, collaboration, socialisation and learning are the four points that sum up the Cool Working® philosophy of modern workspaces. And they are also the principles that must be taken into account when choosing furniture for a coworking space.

Butic - The new school

Having these different areas within the same workspace is one of Actiu´s furniture missions, which manages to cover the wide variety of needs of these environments.


Ergonomic office chairs and technically advanced desks combine with versatile furniture for common and training spaces as well as soft-seating collections capable of promoting comfort in informal moments. This innovative and versatile design in interior design and coworking furniture may be the key to success.

Knowhere - Wanna One

And if the dimensions of the space allow it, two interesting spaces that enable taking a break from the daily grind and opening the mind to new projects, could be a music room and even a games area, where ping pong tables or table football could be what it takes to spark new ideas. And inspire coworkers to create a community and be happy in the space where they share their working hours.