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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.
Asia-Pacific, the commitment to design without borders

Asia-Pacific, the commitment to design without borders

FEBRUARY 2020 | 3 minutes

Design has broken into Asia. Historically known for its low prices, the Asian market has begun a mould-breaking process, in a move away from how it has been pigeonholed for years. Coinciding with the start of the Chinese Year of the Metal Rat, which, just like at the beginning of each new decade, signals the arrival of new energies. Design is already the main commitment of those who are champions of quality and innovation, both on the continent and beyond.


The growing presence of international companies and studios in the Asian market has helped design become a fundamental pillar of success. Having said that, not all countries in the region are on the same wavelength: compared to mature markets such as Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and the Chinese city of Shanghai, which have already adopted global design standards, other emerging markets such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines still have some catching up to do.

Maike Group, China

As a result of this growing interest in design in the Asia-Pacific region, the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo hosted 'HIKARI no SHITSURAE' ('Light and Shadow' in English) in October 2019. An exhibition as part of the Designart Tokyo 2019 art and design festival, organised by ICEX and the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Tokyo, and commissioned by the Japanese company Taisei Corporation, which has consolidated Spanish home design in the Japanese market.


Australia, Actiu's first stop in Asia-Pacific, is today the company´s largest market in the region. Although Spanish companies in Asia have had less impact on product design than those in other European countries such as Germany or Scandinavia, they have dominated mature markets such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, the interest in the Mediterranean lifestyle is booming in the region. Proof of this is the showroom that Actiu has just opened up in South Korea with its local partner, Aurum, which proves how a traditional market, consisting mostly of large corporations and conglomerates, is now incorporating new strategies into working environments.


“The great distance between our headquarters in Castalla and the Asia-Pacific region means that our success largely depends on strong partnerships with local companies and partners, who we are in continuous collaboration with” explains Michael Blanco, Actiu´s Regional Manage in Asia-Pacific. He points out how, in order to penetrate the region's market, it is essential to approach it in two ways; through product design and knowledge of the target market

The headquarters of Maike Group in Xian, China, the Victor Club FYI Center in Bangkok, Thailand, or the Porsche Experience Centre Building in Shanghai, China, are some of the company's latest projects in the region. The Wing, Whass, Stay and Cron chairs; the Talent and Vital tables; or the Noom and Bend soft seating range, are the most sought-after products to create versatile and cosy spaces, which are committed to design as a differential value and where furniture plays a fundamental role.

Maike Group, China

Globalisation has led multinationals and local corporations alike to adopt international standards in their offices. A growing trend, which puts companies such as Actiu in a privileged position, as advisors and experts in aspects related to design, sustainability, well-being or working environment strategies.

Porsche Experience Centre Building de Shanghái, China

“The balance between price and value is measured by what the market receives in terms of VALUE and not according to the price”, states Blanco, who highlights Actiu´s commitment to the authenticity of a product designed and manufactured entirely in Europe, at a price that is highly marketable throughout the world.