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ACTIU Berbegal y Formas, S.A.

Actiu has equipped it with the Mit seating program with a specific solution tailored to its needs.

Lliure de Gracia Theatre
May 2012 | 2 minutes

Founded in 1976 the Lliure theatre is one of the most representative theatres of performing Arts in Spain. It would like to be a theatre that is planned for the future, with an ethical attitude and aesthetics linked to the present, that considers the theatre as an art and offers a public service based on the democatric rights of the citizens accessing culture.

It's former headquarters in the Gràcia (Barcelona) district, have been renovated maintaining the sizes of proximity and warmth that makes it special and unbeatable for the actor's art. To equip the stalls the MIT program was chosen by Actiu, as it offers a specific solution tailored to the conditions of the installation.

Classified as a universal chair, MIT reinvents a new style of chair with the capacity of integrating itself to any current space. Made entirely from flexible PUR (polyurethane) foam on a cast iron interior skeleton, it provides the user with comfort, thanks to its central sponge and at the same time its robustness, due to its compact surface.

MIT offers different versions, adaptable to the needs of the project. In this case, the hall has been equipped to accommodate 250 spectators. Furthermore, each seat has been given a corresponding number, for cases in which the locations have been sold numbered.

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